The rising costs of operating in an evolving marketplace forced distributors and fabricators to merge. The new entity they formed is the distribucator.
If you’re about to install casing over a water or sewer carrier pipe, you’ll need a casing spacer. Spacers ensure alignment and eliminate the need for inner fill.
At Pittsburgh Pipe, we are committed to delivering the highest-quality steel casing pipe, caissons and drilled shafts for your underground utility projects.
For accurate and reliable drilled shaft testing, use cross sonic logging (CSL) testing tubes. They can discover any defects hiding in your drilled shaft.
Pittsburgh Pipe is a national distributor that has been helping contractors and builders complete projects on time for over 40 years.
With the New Year comes a new resolution. Too often people start strong on their resolution and then slowly fall off as the year progresses. Here are some helpful tips to help you stick with your New Year’s Resolution in 2018!